Research Development and Coordination

The Department of Research Development and Coordination in partnership with stakeholders at both international and national level aims at mainstreaming the application of science, technology, and innovation for effective wildlife conservation, environmental safeguards, and improved livelihoods in line with existing legal frameworks. The department is  responsible for the institutional science, technology and innovation strategy mainstreaming, intellectual property rights management and technology transfer, biosafety and biosecurity, wildlife utilization (bioprospecting-gene-trade and bio-trade, indigenous knowledge), access and benefits sharing coordination, monitoring on access and utilization of the country’s wildlife resources, checkpoint under Nagoya Protocol, undertaking non-detrimental findings under MEAS, management of ex-situ resources of wild flora and fauna among others. These are undertaken through the following programs:

Intellectual property management, technology transfer, Science and technology strategy mainstreaming

  • Institution, students, staff, research innovations, access and benefit sharing contracts (prior informed Consent, Mutually Agreed Terms, Material Transfer Agreements, Data transfer/information transfer Agreements) in line existing legal frameworks and Nagoya protocol negotiations
  • Stakeholder capacity building on ABS agreements
  • Wildlife R&D innovation technology transfer negotiations with industries/ private sector
  • Focal point and Champion for NACOSTI on STI mainstreaming and implementation.

Wildlife Utilization

  • Indigenous Knowledge Management system -Documentation and Digitization of IK intellectual assets (Genetic resources and Cultural Expression) -Project of the Ministry through NMK-NPI. WRTI key partner on intellectual assets and ABS component capacity building and system development. The program focuses on the country’s 47 counties implemented in phases. Strengthening counties and local communities on ABS.
  • Bioprospecting and commercialization of Digital sequences from Kenya’s microbial resources -new project in progress with Base Camp Company UK
  • Biodiversity Insects and livelihoods within and adjacent protected areas (pollinators, biocontrol’s, honey and various uses) -New project in progress with IRD, ICIPE and partners.
  • Valorization of natural products/nature-based resources such as aloe resources for enhanced community livelihoods and rangelands management.
  • Others planned include the Antivenom program, review of existing bioprospecting strategy (Wildlife valorization strategy -wildlife Economy) among others.

Wildlife Ex-situ management

The aim is to establish Wildlife ex-situ system for effective biodiversity conservation, sustainable utilization, and increased benefits. WRTI has been designated for wildlife ex-situ activities. Therefore, need to establish a vibrant wildlife ex-situ system as an integral part of in-situ conservation, as a catalyst for research and development that will attract investments in wildlife subsector contributing to enhanced conservation and optimizing benefits in line with national development goals. We aim to establish a complex state of the art ex-situ facilities for zoos, botanicals, cryopreservation of gametes, embryos, tissues, in vitro, DNA/RNA, cell lines, tissue culture, repositories for wildlife scientific specimen. The project aims at development and advancement of practical, cost-effective technologies for the medium and long-term storage and use of terrestrial and marine plant, animal, and microbial germplasm as well as developing model projects that integrate and link new knowledge and research in reproduction, genetics, disease, nutrition, animal husbandry and behavior to enhance both ex- situ and in-situ conservation. A modern bioinformatic facility will be integrated in the ex-situ programs as part of valorization of the country’s wildlife resources. Elaborate outreach programs will be developed including review and establishment of effective legal, policy, guidelines and administrative mechanism for ex-situ infrastructure in the country.

Biosecurity and Biosafety program

The Department is a focal point for NACOSTI Biological Weapons Conventions and thus matters of Biosecurity. Also, focal point for National Biosafety Authority on matters of biosafety.

Nagoya Protocol Checkpoint

The department is responsible for CBD and Nagoya Protocol negotiation and implementation including being the Checkpoint on wildlife utilization. The department liaises with the focal point and CBD secretariat in monitoring access and utilization of the wildlife resources in line with Nagoya protocol.

Establishment of Non-Detrimental Findings (NDF) on species Utilization

The department coordinate NDFs on various species as specific MEAs recommendations and access and utilization demands requests and requirements for sustainability. Some of the initiatives include Gum and resins in rangelands in line with CITES recommendations. Species utilization value chains and commercialization.

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