Wildlife Research and Training Institute (WRTI) granted NACOSTI Certificate during National Conference

In a significant milestone, the Wildlife Research and Training Institute (WRTI) was awarded a Certificate of Registration by the National Commission For Science, Technology, and Innovation (NACOSTI).

The official recognition was conferred during the 3rd Multi-Sectoral Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation held at the Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi on May 7, 2024, running under the theme; “Science, Technology and Innovation as the Game Changer for National Security and Sustainable Prosperity”

The Certificate was presented by Deputy Head of Public Service Hon Josphat Nanok, EGH.

Also present was the Principal Secretary State Department of Higher Education and Research Dr. Beatrice Inyagala, CBS; NACOSTI Board chairman Prof Raphael Munavu, NACOSTI Director General Prof. Walter Oyawa, the Institute’s CEO Dr. Patrick Omondi among other eminent scientists and stakeholders.

The certification by NACOSTI underscores the institute’s commitment to scientific excellence and adherence to national standards in research and innovation. This recognition opens up new avenues for the institute to collaborate with governmental agencies, academic institutions, and international partners in advancing the frontiers of wildlife conservation

Dr Nkedianye reiterated that this was a big milestone in fulfilling the Institute’s mandate of coordinating and undertaking Wildlife Research to inform management and policy decisions in the Wildlife Sector.

He expressed his gratitude upon receiving the NACOSTI certificate, emphasizing that this achievement would bolster the institute’s efforts to expand its research portfolio and training programmes.

 ” We are glad to be among the 12 new institutions that received their certificates today. This recognition is a testament to the dedication of our team and the importance of investing in wildlife research for sustainable development,”

The recognition from NACOSTI reinforces the institute’s position as a leading center of excellence in wildlife research and conservation training, poised to make enduring contributions towards safeguarding our planet’s invaluable wildlife heritage.

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